1) Sinhala comics from our time

Sinhala Comic Magazines - (Chithra Katha Paththara) - emerged a few years after the appearance of the Chithra Katha poth (Comic books) in the early 70's. Chithra Katha Poth (Comic books) - were in landscape format with a coloured cover and black and white pages and had one story per book. Usually detective or Historical stories. 'Thrasa' was one story I remember reading.

Chithra Katha Paththara were released in the portrait format and carried about 8 stories that ran one page every week, a coloured centerfold with a comic strip , one or two single episode stories and 2 pages of '70's facebook'.

This format quickly became a part of Sri Lankan popular culture and many parents banned these for their kids.

The original stories, amazing artwork, and the presentation took the masses by storm and many people used to count days till the next week to see the new release.

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