9) Siththara - Vol:1-24 - 29th Mar 1976 - Ithin eeta passe

Balangoda Sarathmadhu's Masterpiece - Ithin eeta psse
The story that was so close to life  - later ruined by a teledrama director

Chalani Karangoda Ellepola · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
I love dis too..i was crazy too...

Next - ඊළඟ කොටස 

Sujeewa Krishantha Gamage · 2 mutual friends
ඉතිං ඊට පස්සෙ සහ යුනිකෝ බැලුවෙ පුංචි කාලේ. ඉන් පසුව එකතු කරල හදපු පොත් බැලුව. ආයෙත් බලන්න ඕනෙ වුණත් දැන් හොයා ගන්න බැරි වුණා. මේ විදිහට හරි රස විඳින්න සැලැස්සූ ඔබට දහස් වරක් කෘතඥ වෙනවා. මේව දකින විට හදවතේ කොහෙදෝ තැනක් මතකය පිරිමදිනවා. ඉන් සුන්දර මිහිරි වේදනාවක් ජනිත වෙනවා. එය වචනයට නැගිය නොහැකියි. පින්සලේ සොඳුරු ඉන්ද්‍රජාලිකය, සරත්මධු ඔබට නීරෝගී සුවය සමග දීර්ඝායුෂ හිමිවේවා.!
18 May at 09:58 · Edited · Like · 2

Chalani Karangoda Ellepola · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
U r great to add all these....love dem...

Kusum Silva · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
amathaka kala noheki "dedunu kelum......Ithin eeta passé.."....

Jeevana Fernando At that time teachers, priests and many people, criticized these cartoon magazines and books by Deman Ananda. But these tends us to start reading. Later stages we got forgot these type of literature but we had greed of reading

Samudra Sri Bulathgama · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
how many time we go through this things..great ..nice memory...but no way to see it again. if someone shared also only some. not all....If you can do it, will recall all our past sweet memories...

Buddhi Abegunawardhana · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu

Rasika Asanga Costa Awesome machan!! Thanks very much for posting these!! Do you rememeber there is a song that Kelum used to sing....That went something like 'Paawee Ma Kiri Sayure, Awee Mage Nil Menika Soya..' or something like that, and all the chicks loved him!! LOL

Rasika Asanga Costa Jeevana yes you are right. There were some really creative artists those days. I didn't know that Deman Ananda was behind these magazines. I only know that he did a lot of Horror Story comics like Dracula!

Leo Jayasri Wishmasinha · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
This paper older then me...wonderful. .

Arjuna Punchihewa This is awesome stuff my mother never permitted me to read this but I was very curios. Please make a web copy out of this and publish

Rasika Asanga Costa Arjuna yeah there was a lot of talk among the elders that the^se magazines were 'corrupting the young'! Probably because they sometimes had girls in there with little clothes on... Actually it did kind of corrupt me..to be honest 

Noel Perera · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
Oyata thax mea gana mama sarathmadutath kiwa sathiyakata ekak hari daanna kiyala parana dee apita aluth wenna koo nane

Sugath Wijesinghe eththatama parana paththara balana kota hari lassanayi..eka wenasma kaalayak..

Herbert Franklyn · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
mula indalama ithin eeta passe magelangath thiyanawa honde

Nelson Laksiri · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
matakai math balala tiyanawa

Upul Senarath · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
Matakaya aluth kalata.. Thanks

Deepa Lokumarakkala · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
Ammata bayee hanga gena beluwa lassana pinthuura kathaawa harima lassanaiii

Terese Nazrin · Friends with Balangoda Sarathmadhu
Jeewitheta amathaka nowana kathawak ithin iita passe oba thumage meka ape jeewithe kotasak una pasel samaye

Nalaka Udeni Talagala · 2 mutual friends
Vintage stuff nice to see them again after 40 yr s
